• He is known as an apostate because he abandoned his church.
Effusive- unrestrained in emotional expression
• The effusive love of the mother is shown by her constant bragging about her children.
Impasse- a road, passage, or situation having no exit
• He reached and impasse when his lies unfolded.
Euphoria- a feeling of intense excitement
• The team oozed euphoria when they won the championship.
Lugubrious- looking or sounding sad
• The baby's cries are lugubrious when she is hungry.
Bravado- a bold manner or a show of boldness
• John Wayne movies are popular because they are full of bravado.
Consensus- general agreement
• The jury reached an unanimous consensus and was about to declare the defendent guilty or not.
Dichotomy- a division or contract between two things (either or choice)
Constrict- make narrower
• The constricting road can only fit one car at a time.
Gothic- language or type of style
Punctilio- a fine point of conduct
Metamorphosis- a change of form
Raconteur- a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way
Sine Qua Non- an essential condition
Quixotic- unrealistic and impractical
Vendetta- bitter quarrel
Non Sequitur- a conclusion or statement that does not follow previous statement
Mystique- a fascinating aura of mystery
Quagmire- a soft boggy area of land
Parlous- full of danger or uncertainty
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