Thursday, September 26, 2013

Character Study (3)

Once Princess Rachel and Connor had picked us up in her motor home and Thunder, Whitney's horse, was in the trailer we were on our way to Candyland. Candyland and Iceland are neighboring kingdom but the drive from one to another is far. About 2 hours into our journey as we approach the border there is an interesting figure in the distance. Being the curious and helpful people we all are we ask Connor to pull over the vehicle and ask what this creature needed. The one-body-three-headed-human came to the passenger window to talk. Breanna started the conversation by asking, "Why do you have three heads?" In the motor home we all look at her and in unison say "Breanna!" she replies "What?! I just said what you were all thinking."
The conversation continues by the body introducing each individual head. The one on the left is Eeee Eeeeeee, the middle is Dan Smith, and the one on the right is Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace. They explained that they were on their job of dragon hunting when they each got bit by a three-headed dragon. Professor A chimes and adds, "When bit by a three-headed dragon and whomever else was bit share one body but each have their own head." The Revengers being so intrigued by one person with three heads they beg the Princess and I to let them travel with us since they are, ironically, dragon hunters.
As we then make room for our new passenger... passengers I notice in the rear view mirror Connor has a short smirk on his face as he drives on. No one is really talking, but our new traveling companion seems a little antsy the closer we get to the castle. Whitney noticing my suspecting facial expression whispers to Professor A that I was noticing something off about the boys in our vehicle. Rachel and Breanna soon catch on and before we get to the castle walls they are kicked off the motor home.

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